Welcome, To my website your first step in healing education and training.
"Life Promotion is the Best Suicide Prevention."
US: (703) 705-9200 Italy: +39 348 419-2353
"Life Promotion is the Best Suicide Prevention."
US: (703) 705-9200 Italy: +39 348 419-2353
The Emmy award-winning series "Surviving Suicide" featuring Cliff is now streaming on www.theablechannel.com
WE WON. Watch as we accept the Emmy. So thankful for all the support.
My story began on 9-11-01 and like many Americans, 9-11 forever changed our lives. But for me, being there, my path took a very dark turn that over time led me to attempting suicide over the guilt of not finding anyone alive after the attack. As a member of the military, getting help or going to counseling was not an option, as it would certainly mean the end of your career, or so I thought.
After my attempt, I realized I needed support. I was diagnosed with PTSD, received treatment, and I now believe that counseling has made me a stronger man and a stronger Soldier. Since then, I share my story as a suicide survivor in an attempt to inform service members and family members that everyone goes through dark times in their lives, whether you are on the battlefield or just driving to work and witness a car accident. There are things sometimes you cannot handle, and it is okay to ask for help.
Speaking with military members about the importance of asking for help. Sharing how asking for help did not hurt my military career it actually made my career better. Telling my story hopefully helps remove the "stigma" about seeking help when you need it. I tell them it is "Ok not to be Ok" and trust me even if you don't think so you are important to someone.
Connecting with people is what my speaking or training event is about and at your event my "Story of Hope" will touch everyone in attendance.
FB: VTT "Mental Health Warrior"- Clifford Bauman LLC
IG: @cliffordbauman
X (Twitter): @cliffordbauman
TikTok: @mental.health.war46
TruthSocial: @cliffordbauman
Rumble: @cliffordbaumanllc
I’m proud to share my story as part of the “Safe Stories” campaign in partnership with Brady and the AdCouncil. This campaign shares the real stories of gun owners like me who have had a moment of crisis and the importance of safe gun storage to prevent gun suicide. You can explore all of the stories and learn how to keep your home safe at
I sit down with Ms. Angie Miles from Virginia Public Media (VPM) to talk about PTSD, Suicide and Mental Health.
The Mental Health Warrior Podcast is now on Wreaths Across America Radio Friday at 8 pm and Sunday at 10 pm eastern. Find Wreaths Across America Radio on the iHeart Radio app, the Audacy app, and the TuneIn app. Search the word wreath for Wreaths Across America Radio.
Join me on Wednesday @5pm EDT for my podcast where I continue to fight stigma with asking for help. As a suicide survivor I believe "life promotion is the best prevention".
Please take a moment and watch my interview with Global Insight on the "Cost of War" the program aired over 103 different countries.
Men's Mental week on RallyPoint I talk about the importance of spiritual, mental and physical things I do to keep myself in check.
In support of Mental Health Month and with the support of RallyPoint my five part series on Surviving Suicide is available just click the blue button. 🔽🔽
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Keynote speaker at the 21st Theater Sustainment Command Holiday Safety Standdown.
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Naples, Italy
Keynote speaker at the US Navy Region Europe, Africa, Central suicide prevention month training event.
Naples, Italy
Keynote speaker at the Army Sustainment Command 401st/405th Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB).In remembrance of 9/11 and in support
of Suicid...
Rock Island IL
Keynote speaker for Army Sustainment Command HQ/CONUS BDES Suicide Prevention month training event.
Rock Island IL
Republic of Korea
Keynote speaker for the 403rd Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) Suicide Prevention month kickoff event.
Republic of Korea
66th Emmy Awards Bethesda, MD
For more information on fees and availability, send me an email with details
Measure and improve your mental health in real time with your personal AI chatbot. It remembers you and creates daily content and insights just for you!
Along with the informational and inspiring content Wreaths Across America Radio plays a variety of music with the roots firmly planted in patriotism with a country music thread running through the core of the stream.
Veteran Trash Talk podcasts are stories of real warriors dealing with demons on the inside. We are brave enough to share them with our community so we can defeat them together. Our podcasts promote veteran-owned businesses and organizations that support veteran causes. Also, there is plenty of trash talk.
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